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– About Us –

Catholic Counselors Offering Faith Based Services


Testing & Assessment:

Attention | Scholastic | Well-being | Anxiety | Depression ​


The Upper Room is committed to serving you and the needs of your family. We offer practical tools for leading a joyous, abundant, and peaceful life. Wherever you may be on your own emotional path, here you will find a supportive community with a wealth of opportunities for personal growth. The Upper Room is dedicated to the hope and healing of clients and their families. 


Life can sometimes feel so challenging giving us a sense of being overwhelmed and unable to do the simplest of things. When we experience difficulties, sometimes just being heard, understood, and supported can make us feel so much better. Everyone needs someone to talk to


The Upper Room provides a safe, comfortable faith-based environment with individualized treatment plans for you specific goals and needs.  


Sometimes we think we can "handle things" that end up "handling us". Stuffing the uncomfortable feelings and thoughts inside allows them to manifest themselves in an unhealthy manner in our lives. Sorting them out, walking through them, and putting them in a well-balanced perspective begins the journey towards solace and well-being, 


Relying on friends, family, and loved ones as your sole means of support can be asking too much. We don't want to burden them or be an imposition. Above all, we may prefer to remain private with our struggles or challenges. 


Our highly confidential counseling can provide just the insight or self-awareness that can make a huge difference in your life sometimes with even the smallest personal growth. 

We Will Help You Take a Leap of Faith.


"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate, Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, 'Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?' Actually, who are you not to be?"

-Nelson Mandela, Our Deepest Fear


We love what we do!  We are passionate about achieving the best possible treatment outcome for each of our patients. We continually strive to increase our capabilities and to improve the effectiveness of our treatment.   


Highly experienced and competent treatment staff

Our expert staff has extensive clinical experience, especially in the diagnosis and treatment of childhood behaviors. Our staff includes specialists in adolescent K-12 school navigation, counseling, social work, socialization, stressors, and college preparedness and transition concerns.  


Team approach

If a little is good, more may be better!  As a team, we draw on all the talents and skills of one another with your successful desired outcome in mind.   When appropriate, The Upper Room providers will actively seek the input and involvement of the patient, family members, other medical professionals, educational professionals, or any other individuals that may assist patients in achieving their treatment goals. 


Comprehensive testing and assessment

A proper treatment program is dependent upon an accurate diagnosis. Many conditions (most notably, ADHD) are inaccurately diagnosed. Our array of testing and assessment tools is one of the most modern and comprehensive available. We have a program for allowing initial diagnosis of ADD/ADHD based on testing results, however, we check, and double check treatment effectiveness based on a scheduled follow-up.  ADD and ADHD can camouflage other underlying disorders/conditions and we want your efforts and our treatment interventions to be spot on.   


Neurological & Psychiatric evaluations

Integrated with paper/pencil testing and assessment, we can provide the most comprehensive and accurate neuropsychiatric evaluations available. 

Treatment Offered

​Individually tailored, multi-modal treatment plans

Each individual has unique treatment needs. We custom design programs to provide the maximum benefit for each person. Our multi-modal treatments combine the best techniques from a variety of disciplines to ensure the best treatment outcomes. For example: a patient may have a better chance for success if testing & assessment is combined with counseling and medication. The goal is to apply whatever treatment methods are best suited to each patient’s individual circumstances. 


​Medication-free treatment programs

The discovery and development of modern medications is one of the most important scientific advances in history. We advocate the proper use of medications when necessary. However, medications have limitations including: some patients don’t respond; undesirable and often dangerous side effects; addiction; habituation; symptoms return after discontinuing (as in the case of ADHD). Our medication-free treatment programs offer a safe alternative for qualifying patients. 


Educational assistance

We are highly competent at representing the interests of our patients at meetings with school officials.  We can advise on how to navigate Individualized Education Program (IEP) meetings to provide needed support to patients and their parents. 


Extended Support Services 

We are willing to extend ourselves to meet your needs. Patients in our programs may receive the benefits of home visits, interventions at school, and off-hours sessions and meetings. We are uniquely willing to do whatever it takes to help our patients achieve their desired outcomes.


Let's get to work! 

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